Activate Product Categories

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Automatic Activation

All product categories on FatherStock are activated automatically, ensuring a seamless experience for users.

Exceptional Categories

However, two product categories require special consideration

  • “Brands” Category

    • Activation of the “Brands” category requires an upgrade to the “Advanced” package.

  • “Furniture” Category

    • Activation of the “Furniture” category also necessitates an upgrade to the “Advanced” package.

Activation Process

  • Upgrade to “Advanced” Package

    • To access the “Brands” and “Furniture” categories, upgrade your package to the “Advanced”.

  • Automatic Permissions

    • Upon upgrading, permissions for these categories will be granted automatically without the need to request activation.

Support for Activation Issues:

  • Access or Permissions Issues:

    • If you encounter issues accessing these categories or lack permissions for “General” categories, please open a support ticket.

  • Support Ticket Link

  • Include the Following Information

    • Your registered email with FatherStock.

    • Attach a screenshot of the error you are encountering.

    • Specify the categories you want to activate.

The support team will promptly address your issue within 24 hours and contact you with a solution.

By following these steps, you can ensure smooth access to all product categories on FatherStock, including the special categories “Brands” and “Furniture.”

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