Can I make a monthly profit?

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Can I make a monthly profit?

Yes, you can certainly make a monthly profit through the Dropshipping system.

 This system requires you to work, continue and choose the right product. When you start the product selection process, you need to be careful selecting a successful product to make profit, in case you choose the wrong products, for example products that cannot be shipping this may delay the work in your store.

so, make sure to take the following condition for selecting the winning product:

  • Light weighted product
  • Popular Product
  • A product that solves problem and people need in their life
  • Profitable product (i.e., you can put a significant percentage to your profit on the cost price)

In return, there are prohibited products that you should avoid so you can succeed in Dropshipping.

Be aware of the following products to avoid working with them:

  • Heavy or Big sized products (this kind of products cost an expensive shipping price and may not be shippable sometime)
  • Prohibited product from your country (cannot be shipped)
  • Product with Small Parts that can be easily broken
  • Liquid and products that contain liquid (cannot shipped).
  • Products containing glass or glass in full (can get broken while shipping).
  • Products made within your country.
  • Medications and beauty products such as creams, nutrients.

a list of Prohibited products will be attached make sure to check it before choosing your products

  • selling multiple categories like clothing, and electronics in one store

We always advise our Dropshippers to stay away from diversification in your choice of products because you will not be able to control quantity permanently and you will not be able to monitor the updating of products, So we recommend that you follow a simplified plan which is choice of a particular specialty or one product only so that you can build professional content and focus on one thing to make it successful, that will help you build the confidence of your customers in you and your products, remember that the purpose of this trade is to make money and make a profit, it’s not about the quantity but the quality.

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