Snap Pixel Setup

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Snap Pixel Setup


Before activating any app or services developed by a third party

We in Fathershops take the responsibility to provide connectivity services in an easy way that enables you to access the services of these third-party companies.


The Benefits of Using the Snap Pixel

With the Snap Pixel in place, you can implement highly-targeted campaigns, analyze the actions Snapchatters take, build custom audiences, and optimize based on real-time insights, measure a range of actions that directly tie back to business goals like driving product views, leads, subscriptions, or purchases.

Set up snap pixel :


Step 1: Create a Snap Pixel

  1. Log in to your Ads Manager account or sign up to
    Click the menu in the top left corner and select ‘Events Manager’.

  1. In Ads Manager, click the menu in the top corner and select ‘Events Manager’

  1. Click ‘View Pixel Details’ to be brought into the details of your newly created pixel
  2. Click ‘Setup Pixel’ in the top right-hand corner

  1. Select Pixel Code from the pop-up and copy the provided JavaScript code.

  1. Within your Fathershops dashboard Go to Apps and select Snapchat Pixel

  1. Then copy and paste the code and press enable


You can see more details of how Snapchat works by visiting the app’s link and reviewing the explanation

If you need any help about the app, you can contact Snapchat’s technical support by visiting the link.





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