Freelance Certification

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Documenting Your Store and Activating Payment

To authenticate your store and activate payment gateways, you must provide a freelance work document under the title of “Sales Management and Activation”.

Steps to Obtain “Sales Management and Activation” Document.

  • Course in Sales

    • Complete the course directly from the Doroob platform.

    • Course Link

  • Course in E-Marketing Methods

    • Complete the free course via the Doroob platform.

    • Course Link

After Completing Courses

  • Store Design Documentation

    • Provide a picture of the store designed and ready, showing the link to the store.

    • Another picture of the footer of the page.

Example –

Freelance Platform Registration

  • Visit Freelance Platform

  • Provide Personal Information

  • Fill in your name, email, national identity, date of birth (in Hijri), city, mobile number, and the secret code.

  • Verification Code

  • Receive a code via mobile that you enter for verification.
  • Issue a New Document

    • Click on “Issue a new document.”

Category and Specializations

  • Choose Category and Specializations

    • Select the relevant category and specializations for your freelance work.

File Attachment

  • Attach the Following Files

    • Two pictures of the store.

    • Compressed certificate file.

  Submit for Approval

  • Click on submit and wait for approval.


Congratulations! You have successfully completed the process. Await approval from the Freelance platform to start your freelance journey.

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