Integration Guide: Order Tracking Widget

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This documentation will guide you, through the process of integrating the OrderTracking Widget into your website. By following these steps, your customers will be able to conveniently track their orders. Let’s get started!

Please note that this integration is only applicable to FatherStock products.

Step 1: Accessing the Dashboard

  1. Log in to your admin account on your website.

  2. Navigate to the dashboard section.

Step 2: Accessing FatherStock Dropship Tracking

  1. Within the dashboard, locate the “FatherStock” section.

  2. Click on “FatherShop Dropship Tracking.”

Step 3: Installing the Tracking Widget

  1. On the “FatherStock Dropship Tracking” tab, look for the “Need help? How to install it?” section.

  2. Follow the steps mentioned below:

    1. Copy the provided short code.

    2. Navigate to the “Catalog” section in the dashboard.
    3. Click on “Pages.”
    4. Add a new page.
    5. Provide a title for the page that will be displayed on the front end of your website.
    6. In the description field, paste the previously copied short code.
    7. Add meta tag title, meta tag description, and meta keywords for SEO purposes.
    8. If you have enabled multiple languages on your website, ensure to provide titles, descriptions, and keywords in those languages as well. (Paste the short code in the respective description field.)
    9.  Go to the “Data” tab and set the page status as “Enabled.” Specify the sort order if needed. Disabling the status will result in the page showing as “Page not found” on your website.
    10. Navigate to the “SEO” tab and enter a unique URL for the new page.
    11. Proceed to the “Design” tab and leave the “Layout Override” option blank.
    12.  Save the changes.

Note- You can now access the order tracking page from the frontend by seo url link. You can also add this page in the menu.

Step 4: Adding Widget url in header/footer

  1. Go to the “Themes” section and select either the “Header” or “Footer” option, depending on where you want to integrate the tracking link.

  2. Add a new row or column in the selected section.

  3. Provide a name for the link.

  4. Enter the link of the page. (You will find your page under the information link.)

  5. Save the changes.


Your Order Tracking Widget is now active on your website. Customers who place orders for FatherStock products will receive a tracking code via email. They can copy the code, visit your website, navigate to the tracking page, and paste the code to receive updates on their orders.

If you have any further questions or encounter any issues, please refer to the support team for assistance.

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