Is Dropshipping Worth It? (6 Things To Know)

Is Dropshipping Worth It? (6 Things To Know)

Is Dropshipping Worth It?

Indeed, dropshipping remains a worthwhile investment, especially for those seeking a low-cost, small business venture. The surge in online searches for “dropshipping” over the past few years is a testament to its growing popularity and potential.
The key to success in dropshipping lies in strategic product selection, adept management of profit margins, and careful supplier selection. By addressing these fundamental aspects, aspiring entrepreneurs can establish and nurture a thriving and profitable online business through dropshipping.
With social media influencers enticing entrepreneurs with promises of earning thousands of dollars inside income from a single dropshipping store, you might question investing in one. So now the question is “Is Dropshipping Worth It?”.
Launching a dropshipping business appears straightforward: create an ecommerce website, secure a supplier, and curate your product selection. But does the money start pouring in as effortlessly as advertised?
Not always. Initiating your inaugural dropshipping venture demands a substantial investment, both in terms of time and attention. This guide delves into whether dropshipping holds value while outlining six essential considerations before venturing into online retail.

Why is dropshipping so popular?

The dropshipping industry has seen a remarkable surge, now valued at $197 billion—a staggering 53% growth from 2020. Experts anticipate this figure to soar to $500 billion by 2027.
Is Dropshipping Worth It?
The pandemic has played a significant role in driving the rapid expansion of dropshipping. Studies indicate that 52% of consumers have increasingly turned to online shopping since the onset of the pandemic, with one in three opting for online purchases over traditional retail channels.

The advantages of dropshipping

Dropshipping serves as a favoured pathway for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to kickstart their online ventures. The appeal lies in the dropshipping business model:
  1. Low barrier to entry: Newcomers to entrepreneurship require minimal capital investment for inventory. The dropshipping supplier assumes responsibility for order fulfilment and shipping with each sale.
  2. Flexibility: Entrepreneurs can offer as many or as few dropshipping products as desired through their online stores. This scalable ecommerce model enables individuals to operate their businesses at their preferred times and locations.
  3. Simplified testing: With tasks like order fulfilment and shipping delegated to suppliers, entrepreneurs can focus primarily on product testing. Many view dropshipping as an invaluable crash course in e-commerce marketing as they experiment to identify the most lucrative products.

6 things to know before starting a dropshipping business

  1. Is dropshipping profitable?
  2. How competitive is it?
  3. How long does it take to succeed?
  4. How do you get the right suppliers? 
  5. How big of a priority is customer support
  6. Will you need to protect your business legally?

Is dropshipping profitable?

Is Dropshipping Worth It?
  1. Assessing Revenue Potential: This point encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to analyze the revenue-generating capabilities of dropshipping. It involves researching and understanding the profit margins of various products, considering product demand, pricing strategies, and competition.
  2. Calculating Costs and Expenses: It prompts individuals to calculate the costs and expenses of running a dropshipping business. This includes product sourcing costs, marketing expenses, website maintenance fees, and other overhead costs associated with operating the business.
  3. Evaluating Profitability Metrics: This aspect involves assessing key profitability metrics such as gross profit margin, net profit margin, return on investment (ROI), and break-even analysis. By understanding these metrics, entrepreneurs can gauge the potential profitability of their dropshipping venture and make informed decisions.
  4. Considering Long-Term Sustainability: It encourages individuals to consider the long-term sustainability of dropshipping as a business model. This includes analyzing market trends, potential changes in consumer behaviour, and other factors that may impact the business’s profitability over time.
  5. Exploring Growth Opportunities: This point prompts entrepreneurs to explore potential growth opportunities within the dropshipping industry. This may include expanding product offerings, targeting new markets, optimizing marketing strategies, and diversifying revenue streams to maximize profitability in the long run.

How competitive is it?

  1. Analyzing Market Saturation: This point urges individuals to assess the level of competition within the dropshipping industry. It involves researching the number of existing dropshipping businesses, analyzing market saturation, and understanding the competitive landscape.
  2. Understanding Competitor Strategies: It prompts entrepreneurs to study their competitors’ strategies, including pricing, product selection, marketing tactics, and customer service offerings. Understanding competitor strategies can help individuals identify opportunities to differentiate themselves and gain a competitive edge.
  3. Identifying Niche Opportunities: This aspect encourages individuals to explore niche markets within the dropshipping industry. By identifying underserved or niche market segments, entrepreneurs can find opportunities to target specific audiences and carve out a unique position in the market.
  4. Assessing Barriers to Entry: This involves evaluating the barriers to entry in the dropshipping industry, such as regulatory requirements, supplier relationships, and capital investment. Understanding these barriers can help individuals assess the market’s feasibility and develop strategies to overcome potential challenges.
  5. Developing a Competitive Strategy: Lastly, this point emphasizes the importance of developing a competitive strategy to differentiate oneself in the market. This may include offering unique products, providing exceptional customer service, optimizing marketing efforts, or leveraging technology to streamline operations.
Is dropshipping profitable?

How long does it take to succeed?

Despite the low-risk nature of dropshipping as a business model, a significant amount of time must still be invested before making the first sale. This includes:
  1. Setting Realistic Expectations: This point encourages individuals to set realistic expectations about the timeline for achieving success in dropshipping. It involves understanding that building a profitable dropshipping business may take time, effort, and perseverance.
  2. Assessing Time Commitment: It prompts entrepreneurs to assess the time commitment required to succeed in dropshipping. This includes dedicating time to product research, marketing, customer service, order fulfilment, and business administration tasks.
  3. Tracking Progress and Milestones: This aspect involves tracking progress and milestones along the journey to success. Setting specific goals, measuring key performance indicators (KPIs), and regularly assessing progress can help individuals stay focused and motivated as they work towards their objectives.
  4. Adapting to Challenges: It emphasizes the importance of adapting to challenges and setbacks. This may involve pivoting strategies, learning from mistakes, and continuously refining approaches to achieve success in dropshipping.
  5. Celebrating Achievements: This point encourages individuals to celebrate achievements and milestones, no matter how small. Recognizing progress and successes can boost morale and motivate you to strive for dropshipping success.

How do you get the right suppliers?

  1. Researching Supplier Options: This point emphasizes the importance of thorough research when sourcing suppliers for a dropshipping business. It involves exploring different supplier options, comparing their offerings, and assessing product quality, reliability, and pricing factors.
  2. Evaluating Supplier Reputation: It prompts entrepreneurs to evaluate the reputation and credibility of potential suppliers. This may include reading reviews, checking references, and verifying credentials to ensure that suppliers are reputable and trustworthy.
  3. Negotiating Terms and Agreements involves negotiating terms and agreements with selected suppliers. Entrepreneurs should discuss pricing, shipping policies, return procedures, and any other terms relevant to the dropshipping arrangement to ensure a mutually beneficial partnership.
  4. Testing Supplier Performance: It encourages individuals to test the performance of potential suppliers before committing to a long-term partnership. This may involve placing sample orders, assessing shipping times and product quality, and evaluating overall customer satisfaction.
  5. Building Relationships: This point highlights the importance of building strong supplier relationships. Maintaining open communication, providing feedback, and fostering a positive working relationship can lead to better collaboration and supplier support in the long run.
  6. Diversifying Supplier Sources: Lastly, entrepreneurs are encouraged to diversify their supplier sources to mitigate risks and ensure continuity of supply. Multiple reliable suppliers can safeguard against potential disruptions and provide flexibility in product sourcing for the dropshipping business.

How big of a priority is customer support?

  1. Understanding Customer Expectations: This point emphasizes the importance of understanding and meeting customer expectations in dropshipping. It involves identifying the key aspects of customer support important to target customers, such as responsiveness, reliability, and helpfulness.
  2. Providing Timely Assistance: It prompts entrepreneurs to prioritize providing timely assistance to customers. This may include responding promptly to inquiries, addressing concerns, and providing support throughout purchasing to ensure a positive buying experience.
  3. Offering Multiple Support Channels: This aspect involves offering multiple channels for customer support, such as email, live chat, phone support, and social media. Providing customers with various options to reach out for assistance can enhance accessibility and convenience.
  4. Implementing a Knowledge Base: It encourages entrepreneurs to create a comprehensive knowledge base or FAQ section on their website to address common questions and concerns. Providing self-service resources can empower customers to find answers to their queries independently.
  5. Gathering and Acting on Feedback: This point highlights the importance of gathering and using customer feedback to improve customer support processes. Soliciting feedback through surveys, reviews, and customer interactions can provide valuable insights for enhancing the quality of support services.
  6. Investing in Training and Development: Lastly, entrepreneurs are encouraged to invest in training and development for customer support staff. Providing ongoing training and support can equip customer support representatives with the skills and knowledge to deliver exceptional service and resolve customer issues effectively.

Will you need to protect your business legally?

  1. Understanding Legal Obligations: This point emphasizes the importance of understanding the legal obligations and requirements of running a dropshipping business. It involves researching laws and regulations related to ecommerce, consumer protection, taxes, and business registration in relevant jurisdictions.
  2. Ensuring Compliance: It prompts entrepreneurs to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations to avoid legal issues and penalties. This may include registering the business, obtaining necessary licenses and permits, and complying with tax laws and consumer protection regulations.
  3. Protecting Intellectual Property: This aspect involves protecting intellectual property rights, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents. Entrepreneurs should ensure they have the licenses and permissions to sell products and use intellectual property owned by others.
  4. Drafting Legal Agreements: Entrepreneurs are encouraged to draft and review legal agreements such as terms of service, privacy policies, and supplier contracts. These agreements help clarify rights and responsibilities, mitigate risks, and establish a legal framework for conducting business.
  5. Seeking Legal Advice: Entrepreneurs should seek legal advice from qualified professionals to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and protect their business interests. Legal experts can guide navigating legal issues and help entrepreneurs address legal challenges.
  6. Maintaining Records and Documentation: Lastly, entrepreneurs should maintain accurate records and documentation of their dropshipping business. This includes keeping records of transactions, contracts, communications with suppliers and customers, and any legal correspondence to ensure transparency and accountability.


Is dropshipping a valuable business model for beginners?

Yes, dropshipping can be a valuable business model for beginners due to its low startup costs and minimal risk.

What are the main challenges of dropshipping?

Some of the main challenges of dropshipping Australia include thin profit margins, supplier reliability issues, and intense competition in the market.

How can I find reliable dropshipping suppliers?

You can find reliable dropshipping suppliers through online directories, trade shows, and networking with other dropshippers.

How much money can I make with dropshipping?

The potential earnings in dropshipping vary depending on product selection, commerce strategies, and market demand. With dedication and effective execution, dropshipping can be a profitable venture.

What are the best niches for dropshipping?

Some of the best niches for dropshipping include health and wellness, beauty and skincare, fashion accessories, and home decor.


In conclusion, “Is Dropshipping Worth It?” requires careful consideration and evaluation based on individual circumstances and goals. While dropshipping offers numerous benefits, such as low startup costs, flexibility, and scalability, it also presents challenges like competition, supplier reliability issues, and strong customer support. Ultimately, the worthiness of dropshipping depends on factors such as market research, product selection, operational efficiency, and commitment to providing excellent customer service. By thoroughly assessing the pros and cons, setting realistic expectations, and implementing effective strategies, entrepreneurs can maximize the potential of dropshipping as a viable business opportunity.
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